I Love this picture. It was taken for a commercial of United Colors of Benetton, who promote the idea that we are all the same.
The reasons go beyond the good capture, the color, his author, the idea or why it was taken.The ‘Handcuffs’” poster set out to develop a sense of common humanity that transcends skin colour. Not all were convinced about the wisdom of the campaign however. The photograph poses the question: who is the policeman, who the criminal?, and the answer is that although we are taught by our social conditioning and the popular media to think of law-enforcers as white and the perpetrators of crime as black, in fact of course we do not know. In the handcuffs photograph, we become aware that the cultural identity of both black and white peoples, their place in history, their social standing, are inextricably linked. The white background serves to emphasise both the connection between the two hands, and their separation. The image is sharply focused. We can see every hair standing up on the white hand and every crease and wrinkle on the black.
I Think that this photo represent the union between two different worlds without importance the color of the skin or conditions, they both are Handcuffe. Sometimes we think that the color defines what can we do or what can we say, but this picture represent that this idea it isn`t always true. Different people with differents colours (yellow, black or white) can live togheter and do the same things. The colour don´t represent our abilities.
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