I have a lot of precious things to me, like photos, letters, rings of my granny Emma or cds with videos; but I think that the most important possesions to me are my camera and my photo album.
When I was 15 I took a photography class in Copiapó, It was great and I learnt a lot of greats effects with my camera. Then, Gabriel and me started to take a lot of photos to my friends, family, streets, leave houses, flowers or wherever that I could see near to me (even ants or flies).
I have a great photo album with this pictures. When I feel alone, I look this pictures and I start to remember greats moments like my summer vacations, beach with my best friends, my uncle Ana and my daughters, my turtle (Matilda), my parents, my school and a lot of things that I love.
The picture album it´s great, my mom bought it in Bahía Inglesa, in a handicrafts free market, in one of our summer vacations; it´s small with a lot of brow recycle papers sheets. It´s not like all the photo albums, because it has photos, poems and flowers, I love it !. My camera it´s cool, It was a Christmas preset from my dad .
I think that this album it´s my most precious possesion because it´s like a memories'box, with all the things that I loved and I love.